You can begin Trackers at any time (as in, it's not constrained to any rigid seasonal calendar). Holiday lessons are available digitally, and those can be interjected into the curriculum as they arise. Simply pause the lesson flow and pick back up on the other side of the holiday.
Trackers was written with K-6th grades in mind, but adapted preschool lessons are available upon request at no additional charge when the primary curriculum is purchased. In our testing of the curriculum, preschool students engage really well with the videos and characters.
Trackers is a three year curriculum. The Scope and Sequence for all three years is as follows:
LESSON 1: In the Beginning . . . There Was Truth
LESSON 2: Adam, the Lost Tracker
LESSON 3: Noah, the Tracker Who Walked with God
LESSON 4: Abraham, the Covenant Tracker, Part 1
LESSON 5: Abraham, the Covenant Tracker, Part 2
LESSON 6: Abraham, the Covenant Tracker, Part 3
LESSON 7: Jacob, the Changed Tracker
LESSON 8: Leah, the Honored Tracker
LESSON 9: Joseph, the Forgiving Tracker
LESSON 10: Miriam, the Brave Tracker
LESSON 11: Moses, the Chosen Tracker, Part 1
LESSON 12: Moses, the Chosen Tracker, Part 2
LESSON 13: Moses, the Chosen Tracker, Part 3
LESSON 14: Moses, the Chosen Tracker, Part 4
LESSON 15: The Catch-Up Lesson
LESSON 16: Aaron and Hur, the Helpful Trackers
LESSON 17: Caleb, the Stand-Up Tracker
LESSON 18: Joshua, the Strong and Courageous Tracker, Part 1
LESSON 19: Joshua, the Strong and Courageous Tracker, Part 2
LESSON 20: Gideon, the Hall of Fame Tracker
LESSON 21: Ruth, the Loyal Tracker
LESSON 22: Hannah, the Persistent Tracker
LESSON 23: Samuel, the Tracker Who Listened
LESSON 24: David, the Tracker After God’s Own Heart, Part 1
LESSON 25: David, the Tracker After God’s Own Heart, Part 2
LESSON 26: Abigail, the Honoring Tracker
LESSON 27: Solomon, the Wise Tracker
LESSON 28: The Catch-Up Lesson
LESSON 29: Elijah, the Powerful Tracker, Part 1
LESSON 30: Elijah, the Powerful Tracker, Part 2
LESSON 31: Job, the Suffering Tracker
LESSON 32: Elisha, the Trusting Tracker
LESSON 33: Josiah, the Righteous Tracker
LESSON 34: Nehemiah, the Constructive Tracker
LESSON 35: Esther, the Bold Tracker
LESSON 36: Isaiah, the Willing Tracker
LESSON 37: Jeremiah, the Young Tracker
LESSON 38: Daniel, the Quality Tracker
LESSON 39: Jonah, the Second-Chance Tracker
LESSON 40: Malachi, the Final Prophet Tracker
LESSON 1: Trackers Know Jesus: Jesus is the Promised One
LESSON 2: Trackers Believe: Zechariah and Elizabeth Fulfill Prophecy
LESSON 3: Trackers Hear the Voice of the Father: John Baptizes Jesus
LESSON 4: Trackers are Tested: Jesus is Tested in the Wilderness
LESSON 5: Trackers Follow Jesus: Jesus Calls the Twelve Disciples
LESSON 6: Trackers Listen to the Teachings of Jesus: Jesus Gives the Sermon on the Mount
LESSON 7: Trackers Have Faith: Jesus Heals the Sick
LESSON 8: Trackers Are Forgiven: Jesus Talks to the Woman at the Well
LESSON 9: Trackers Are Sent: Jesus Sends Out His Disciples
LESSON 10: Trackers Offer Themselves to God: Jesus Multiplies the Fish and the Loaves
LESSON 11: Trackers Endure the Storms of Life: Jesus Walks on Water
LESSON 12: Trackers Embrace the Holiness of God: Jesus On the Mount of Transfiguration
LESSON 13: Trackers Trust the Good Shepherd: Jesus is the Good Shepherd
LESSON 14: Trackers Are Found by the Good Shepherd: Jesus Looks for the Lost Sheep
LESSON 15: Trackers Are Welcomed Back: Jesus Tells the Parable of the Prodigal Son
LESSON 16: Trackers Are Compassionate: Jesus Tells the Parable of the Good Samaritan
LESSON 17: Trackers Are Friends of God: Jesus Visits Mary and Martha
LESSON 18: Trackers Rise Again: Jesus Raises Lazarus from the Dead
LESSON 19: Trackers Strive to See God: Jesus Goes to Zacchaeus's House
LESSON 20: Trackers Remember Jesus' Sacrifice: Jesus Eats the Last Supper and Dies on the Cross
LESSON 21: Trackers Have a Relationship with the Lamb of God: Jesus' Death and Resurrection
LESSON 22: Trackers Share the Good News of Jesus: Jesus' Ascension and Great Commission
LESSON 23: Trackers are Anointed: The Holy Spirit Comes at Pentecost
LESSON 24: Trackers Have Fellowship with One Another: The Church Begins
LESSON 25: Trackers Walk with God and Praise God: Peter and John Heal a Crippled Man
LESSON 26: Trackers Sometimes Suffer: Stephen Becomes the First Martyr
LESSON 27: Trackers Are Changed: Saul the Persecutor becomes Paul the Apostle
LESSON 28: Trackers Respond to What Jesus has Done for Them: Philip Baptizes the Ethiopian
LESSON 29: Trackers Live on Mission: Paul Goes on Missionary Journeys
LESSON 30: Trackers have Eternal Life in Jesus: Understanding the Romans Roundabout
LESSON 31: Trackers All have Spiritual Gifts: Paul Instructs the Corinthians
LESSON 32: Trackers have the Fruit of the Spirit: Paul Writes to the Galatians
LESSON 33: Trackers Put on the Armor of God: Paul Writes to the Ephesians and Colossians
LESSON 34: Trackers Live with the Future in Mind: Paul Writes to the Thessalonians and Philippians
LESSON 35: Trackers are a Godly Example for Others: Paul Coaches Timothy and Titus
LESSON 36: Trackers Walk by Faith: The Hebrews Learn about Faith
LESSON 37: Trackers Show Their Faith Through Love: James Teaches us to be Doers of the Word
LESSON 38: Trackers Surrender All to Jesus: Peter Writes Words of Truth
LESSON 39: Trackers Walk in Light and Love: 1 John Teaches about Light and Love
LESSON 40: Trackers Look for Jesus to Return: Jesus is Coming Back
Module 1: Who is God?
LESSON 1: God is Trinity
LESSON 2: God is Father
LESSON 3: God is Son
LESSON 4: God is Holy Spirit
Module 2: Word of God
LESSON 5: The Big Story
LESSON 6: Loving God’s Word
LESSON 7: The Power of God’s Word
LESSON 8: Living God’s Word
Module 3: Salvation
LESSON 9: Prevenient Grace
LESSON 10: Justifying Grace
LESSON 11: Sanctifying Grace
LESSON 12: Glorifying Grace
Module 4: Prayer
LESSON 13: The Lord’s Prayer
LESSON 14: The Psalms
LESSON 15: Intercessory Prayer
LESSON 16: Fasting
Module 5: Sacred Life
LESSON 17: Baptism
LESSON 18: The Lord’s Supper
LESSON 19: Worship
LESSON 20: The Washing of Feet
Module 6: Holiness
LESSON 21: God is Holy
LESSON 22: Fruit of the Spirit
LESSON 23: Becoming Like Jesus
LESSON 24: The Law of the Spirit
Module 7: Catechism
LESSON 25: 10 Commandments
LESSON 26: Beatitudes
LESSON 27: Apostle’s Creed
LESSON 28: Sermon on the Mount
Module 8: Kingdom of God
LESSON 29: Mercy + Justice
LESSON 30: Evangelism
LESSON 31: Mission
LESSON 32: Creation Care
Module 9: Church
LESSON 33: Community
LESSON 34: Fivefold Ministry
LESSON 35: Gifts of the Spirit
LESSON 36: Temple of the Holy Spirit
Module 10: Following Jesus
LESSON 37: His Words and Deeds
LESSON 38: His Life of Love
LESSON 39: The Way of the Cross
LESSON 40: The Resurrection
There's a short (3-5 minute) video that accompanies each of the core lessons (no video for the 12 supplemental holiday lessons that round out the year). The lessons don't depend on the video for the core teaching, but it's a really strong aspect of the design and context of the way the curriculum is framed.
There are 40 core lessons in each year. To complete a 52-week year, we’ve created optional holiday lessons that are available on the digital hub. These include:
YES! The author actually used it herself as she homeschooled her own children. While the scripted lesson is written for a group, it’s easily modified for one-on-one environments. It has also been used successfully in homeschool group meetings.